Create or use AI to generate chores for your children.
Create chores
Generate or create custom chores with name, emoji, instructions, date and the corresponding reward.

Repeating chores
Create one off or repeating (daily, weekly, bi weekly, yearly) chores.

Assign children
Set which child should complete the chore.

Premade chores
Choose from our curated list of premade chores then customize them to your liking.

Create or use AI to generate rewards for your children.
Create rewards
Generate or create custom rewards with name, emoji, description and the corresponding reward cost.

Premade rewards
Choose from our curated list of premade rewards then customize them to your liking.

Child Mode
Dedicated locked app mode for your child.
Today View
Your child can see what they have to do for the current day and complete the tasks accordingly. When a child completes a task, the app will send a notification to the parent to approve it.

Dashboard + Notifications
Parent dashboard and real time notifications.
Parent Dashboard
Get notified of all unapproved chores and rewards with Push Notifications or in the Dashboard. Mark rewards complete/cancel (fulfilled/denied) so your child receives what they worked hard for.

Approve chores
Approve or deny chores your child complete.

Approve rewards
Approve or deny rewards your child purchased.

Get started today
Available on iOS and Android, phone or tablet for 4.99 per month (billing annual).